Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Happy new year!

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Hello everyone!
I would just like to wish you all a happy new year!
Todays not been the best year for me but it's had some good point.
But lets brush it off and look forward to 2015!
Happy New Year everyone! 

Ps. New youtube video is going up tonight!

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Last minute Christmas treats!

Hello everyone!
So yet again i've uploaded another video to my channel.
It's a last minute christmas treats video, which consists of my mums mince pies and some little reindeer cakes (which failed).
I hope you enjoy the video, please give it a thumbs up and maybe even subscribe!
Thank you!

Sunday, 21 December 2014

Getting Ready For Christmas!

Hello everyone!
So you know I said I was uploading another video?
Well I've uploaded it - it's here!
It is a really short video but there will be many more to come.
Anyways I just wanted to let you know its here!
Please check it out and maybe even like,comment and subscribe if you're feeling nice!

Saturday, 20 December 2014

The YouTube Situation

So some of you may know that I have a YouTube channel, well I filmed a video back in August and I loved doing it! Recently I decided I wanted to make another and maybe even start my channel properly. I invested in a Macbook Air this week for school, as i'm in year 10 I have a lot of course work and revision to do, so I basically needed a laptop for myself. I've always wanted a MacBook so I thought i'd just invest in one now. I've now got iMovie which means my videos will be a lot better quality and I can upload more frequently. 

So basically i'm going to start my YouTube properly!
If you would please check it out, and maybe subscribe that would be really nice! 
I'll be uploading most Sundays!

Saturday, 29 November 2014

Meeting Zoella | Girl Online Book Signing

Hello Everyone!

So if you didn't know already I met Zoë on the 27th of November.
Honestly it was the best day of my life!
I've watched Zoë since I was eleven and now I'm nearly fifteen so you can do the maths. I actually found all the other YouTubers through her which I'm also very grateful for.

*This is not my photo*

The book signing was in Manchester which is around a two hours away from where I live so it wasn't much of a hassle to get there.
We did leave early ish so that we'd be near the front of the queue - turns out we where first in the queue!
We arrived around one o'clock and no one was at the venue, which was a bonus.

*'Girl Online'*

As the day grew later and more and more people started to arrive, a lady came and spoke to us all telling us that it wasn't long now.
The next thing I know is she's letting us all in.
The venue was really nicely decorated and everywhere I turned there was something about 'Girl Online' which personally I loved!
We each got given wrist bands and a copy of the book.
*Zoë waving at us*

When we finally got around the maze of barriers we arrived to be greeted by a security guard. You may recognise him if you watched Alfie's vlog!
The security where so lovely to us (we had to explain who Zoë was).

Then one of the Penguin ladies came up to the security asking for the first twenty people.
We got taken to the front and she explained to us what was going to happen.
The photographer was going to take photos of Zoë.
Then the signing began!

Zoë was so lovely, she's just as beautiful in person.

This was our conversation!

Zoë: Hi, how are you?
Me: Hi, I'm good thank you how are you?
Zoë: I'm good thank you.
*Hands book*
*Signs book*
Me: Thank you, this is for you!
*Hands Zoë letter and gift*
Zoë: Oh my God, I love it so much!
Me: it's lovely to meet you, bye!
Zoë: You too, bye!

*I gave Zoë a fawn Christmas tree decoration.*

*The camera went funny because of the lighting*

We did only get twenty seconds with her but it was the best twenty seconds of my life!

Zoë was just so genuine and sweet.

On the way out we got given the poster and I just couldn't hold back the tears - I was so happy!
She did see me crying and she said 'Awh'
*Poster we got given*

On our way out there was a lot more people then I thought there was going to be, I'd say around five hundred!

But honestly it was the best day of my life, I feel so blessed to have met my sunshine.
*Signed copy of 'Girl Online'*

You can purchase a copy of 'Girl Online' here
*Again this isn't my photo*

Thank you so much for reading!

Saturday, 22 November 2014


Hello Everyone!

Sorry I haven't updated you for a while, I've been really busy with school but we break off in three weeks for just under a month so I'm going to get loads of blog posts out before I go back and my exams start. If you have any suggestions of what you would like to see then don't fret to contact me!

I'm really excited for next week as I'm going to Manchester to meet the one and only Zoella aka Zoe Sugg! Excited is a understatement, I've watched Zoe since I was eleven I'm now fourteen so you can do the maths! The reason I'm meeting her is because she's doing her book signing for 'Girl Online' which is released on the 25th this month! I'm so incredibly proud of what she's achieved. I will be doing a blog post about the day with pictures, I may even vlog the day!

Another thing I'm really excited for is Christmas! It's less then a month away, where has this year gone?!
I'm currently sat in my room with candles lit and I feel really cosy I just freaking love this time of year!
I think we'll call it a rap for today, I'm always on my social media if you want to talk but until next time, bye!

Saturday, 18 October 2014

The TMI Tag | Chloe Harb

Hello again! Today I thought I'd do The TMI Tag which is a bit out of my comfort zone but I love tags. So lets get started and hopefully you'll get to know me a little bit better!

1. What are you wearing?
My Pjs from Primark!

2. Ever been in love?

3. Ever had a terrible breakup?

4. How tall are you?
Around 5'6 so about average

5. How much do you weigh?
That's too personal for me so I'm not going to share that.

6. Any tattoos?
No, but personally I love them and when I'm old enough I do want to get some!

7. Any piercings?
Yes! I have my lobes and cartilage pierced but there is still a lot more which I'm planning on getting done very soon!

8. OTP? (One True Pairing)
Zalfie (Zoe Sugg and Alfie Deyes)

9.Favourite show?
I don't have one as I very rarely watch TV as I'm always on YouTube!

10. Favourite Bands?
I don't have one again!

11. Something you miss?
My granddad and two nanas. I just wish I saw them more before they got taken away.

12.Favourite song?
I have too many!

13. How old are you?
14 nearly 15

14. Zodiac sign?

15. Quality you look for in a partner?
A great personality

16. Favourite Quote?
If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely - Roalh Dahl

17. Favourite Actor?
I have a few!
Mila Kunis
Dave Franco
James Franco
Leonardo Dicaprio
Anne Hathaway

18. Favourite colour?
Pale pink or orange

19.Loud music or soft?

20: Where do you go when you’re sad?
My bed.

21: How long does it take you to shower?
15 minutes

22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
1 hour ish

23: Ever been in a physical fight?
No and I don't plan on being in one!

 24: Turn on?
Great personality

 25: Turn off?

26: The reason I joined YouTube?
Because a lot of people inspired me to.

 27: Fears?
A lot of things are fears to me due to my anxiety

 28: Last thing that made you cry?
Over thinking a situation & The Fault In Our Stars

 29: Last time you said you loved someone?
I can't remember

 30: Meaning behind your YouTube Name?
It's my name!

 31: Last book you read?
The fault in our stars by John Green

 32: The book you’re currently reading?
The Hunger Games

 33: Last show you watched?
I can't remember probably Strictly!

 34: Last person you talked to?
My mum

35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
She's my best friend!

36: Favorite food?
Mexican, Italian, Spanish you get the gist

 37: Place you want to visit?
Paris, Santorini, Brighton, Cannes, Sorrento, Venice, Florida, Amsterdam and London!

 38: Last place you were?
My living room

 39: Do you have a crush?

 40: Last time you kissed someone?
I can't remember

 41: Last time you were insulted?
Probably one minute ago!

 42: Favorite flavor of sweet?
I don't eat sweets but I do chocolate!

 43: What instruments do you play??
I don't play anything.

 44: Favorite piece of jewellery?
My Pandora jewellery.

 45: Last sport you played?
I don't play any sport, I'm lazy!

 46: Last song you sang?
Rixton - Wait on me

 47: Favorite chat up line?
Did you sit in a pile of sugar? Because you have a sweet ass!

 48: Have you ever used it?

 49: Last time you hung out with anyone?
Like a week ago?

 50: Who should answer these questions next?

Saturday, 11 October 2014


Long time no see! I'm incredibly sorry I haven't been posting. I've had hard time with anxiety and panic attacks which has resorted to me becoming a nervous wreck. But hopefully in the next couple of months I should be going to see a psychiatric nurse and hopefully they can help me with my issues. But anyway negativity in the past let's start to look forward.

I've been so busy with school and coursework work that it's made my social life go down hill but I want to get the grades so I'm trying my best at all my options. Art has to be my favourite subject by far, it brings the creative side out of me and it's proving quite a hit . I've only been back at school five weeks and I've already met some of my GCSE targets which is great! I achieved a grade B for my Chuck Close portrait and I also got best in the year for it which really boosted my confidence in art. I've also been really enjoying history as I always do. I've been brought up on history from when I was young and it's one of my favourite subjects especially now we're only doing war which is my favourite topic. It's the one era I would've loved to have lived in.
But not every subject is good for me, I've been getting really stressed with French, I've never been very good at it and now I'm taking it as a GCSE. I've started really panicking about it as I've got two exams for it next month which will be 50% towards my actual GCSE!

But anyway, it's officially autumn which is my favourite time of year and then it's Christmas! I was thinking of doing another Christmas wish list post?
It's also nearly Halloween! I really wanted to do special effects again this year but I can't as I'm going to visit my family who I haven't seen I two years! I've been over thinking that way too much which caused me to have another panic attack which wasn't fun. I hate the fact that I'll be away from home; my comfort zone and they'll be no way of getting back to it.
I need to stop rambling and love you and leave you! I'll be back next week hopefully with another post; leave ideas in the comments!

Chloe x

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Snapchat - chloeharb

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

My First Ever Video!

Hello my lovelies! So you know that I said I was going to film a video about my holiday outfits, well I did and it's live!
I just wanted to let you all know about it, and maybe you could take a look? And maybe even like and subscribe or is that too cheeky?!
So here it is!
Summer Lookbook 2014

Thursday, 31 July 2014

In The Future

I'm back again! So i've finally found some time to sit down and write another post. It's not one of the posts that I promised but they will be starting very soon! Instead I wanted to discuss some exciting things that will be happening in the next couple of weeks...

As some of you may know i'm going on holiday to Mundesley, Norfolk this weekend for eight days. While i'm away I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to film a video on what outfits I choose to wear day and night.
I'm quite nervous to see how it goes but i'm going to give it my best shot!
Until next time...

Thursday, 10 July 2014

Turning Over A New Leaf

So here I am again, sat behind my screen writing another blog post. I wanted to just let you guys know that I'm back, I will be trying my hardest to post at least once a week. But I'm sorry if I don't keep that promise... I took a break from the blogging industry as I thought I wasn't ready, but now I feel as though I am.

I started this blog for one reason, and one reason only. That was to gain confidence in my self - but that didn't work. As some of you may know I'm fourteen years old, I struggle with social anxiety and panic attacks which I know effects a lot of people. I didn't know I suffered with them until quite recently when I suffered a bad panic attack due to being in a cramped place. I want to dedicate this blog to the things I enjoy and now I also want to talk about how I deal with my issues as I know so many people suffer with them in this day and age. I feel like I could help teens my age with it and show them they are NOT alone. I feel like writing about it will make me feel free. So now I've had my break I'm coming in with all guns blazing. I'm determined to make something of my life. I may even start a series of posts telling you about my week with pictures, I hope it helps some of you.
You can find me on my social media which are linked on my blog - until next time
Chloe ♡